Did you know that there are many free resources for Letterland?

Presenting: Letterland Story Corner!

In this link: select the story, then sit back and relax as you enjoy the adventures that the Letterlanders get into!

If you would like to encurage your children to practice reading, these stories are taken from the My Alphabet Storybooks (pack of 26), where there is a story for each letter/character.

It has a story feature for children to listen to the text read to them (either by a parents, or audio from the QR code at the front of the book), as well as easy decodable sentences for children to apply their phonic knowledge to blend to read!

At the end of each book, there are simple activities and questions to assess comprehension too! Children are bound to enjoy learning with their friends in Letterland!

Purchase these books from Shopee or our Online Store.